Dr. Kane - Founder, Snehadeep

Dr. Kane – Founder, Snehadeep

With the inspiration from ‘Suhrud Mandal’, Pune, Dr. G. V. Kane, and associates pioneered Snehadeep Dapoli on 26 February 1984. with the vision of support & welfare for children with disability in hearing. On 12th July 1984, they started Karnabadhir Vidyalaya, with 5 students and an trained instructor and with a dream. Very soon they commenced a hostel for disabled students  on 21 December 1985. There were immense difficulties, they had to take of the Taluka to find out disabled children, and when the search was over, the parents were to be persuaded to send their children to school. The unwillingness of the kids to join the school, added to the difficulties. Finance was a stumbling block.

In-spite of economical challenges and hurdles, this institution not only survived but grown and progressed over the years. This school got government approval as only residential school for disabled students, in the Ratnagiri district on April 1, 1985.

Today the school along with the hostel facility is located in the heart of the city. Government of Maharashtra offered a 31.20 R land to SNEHADEEP, for the school, hostel building and the playground.

As a result of herculean efforts by SNEHADEEP & its members, today the school is progressing towards excellence.